AQUATOUCH improves skin texture, stimulates collagen biosynthesis and has an important antioxidant activity by reducing DNA damage induced by UV rays. It also inhibits the formation of skin blemishes by blocking the cellular mechanisms of melanogenesis.
• PROS : thanks to the action of bioavailable vitamin C, this foundation is a true beauty treatment. The micronized pigments allow a light and fresh application, Aquatouch corrects the complexion without covering.
• CONS : even if layered it is not opaque.
• BABA RECOMMENDS : To fully enjoy the benefits of vitamin C, apply it every day even in combination with other foundations. Remember to always set it with powder!
For a natural effect apply it with your hands, for a more defined effect apply it with a sponge, for a more covering effect with a brush. It should always be fixed with a powder.