Envy-worthy lashes begin here.
This limited edition set includes everything to make your lashes "tye dye" for — GrandeLASH-MD for longer looking natural lashes, plus GrandeFANATIC curling mascara, GrandeMASCARA conditioning mascara, GrandeLASH-SEPARATOR for clump-free results & GrandeVANISH bi-phase makeup remover to take it all off without lash damage.
GRANDELASH-MD: Promotes the appearance of longer, thicker, healthier looking lashes in 4-6 weeks
GRANDEFANATIC: Curling & lifting mascara with biotin peptide
GRANDEMASCARA: Conditioning peptide-infused mascara for healthier looking lashes
GRANDEVANISH: Effortlessly removes makeup without pulling, tugging or causing lash fallout
GRANDELASH-SEPARATOR: Eliminates criss-crossed lashes & clumps
91% saw longer looking lashes with GrandeLASH-MD*
98% saw healthier looking lashes after using GrandeFANATIC for 28 days**
94% saw healthier looking lashes with GrandeMASCARA***
97% felt that it does not tug on lashes or cause any lash fallout****